Having problems with your garage door?
Frequently Asked Garage Door Common Questions

Professional Naperville Garage Door Experts at Your Service!

We are at your service for repairs, replacements and installations

Frequently Asked Garage Door Common Questions

Needs answers? See our FAQ for more help!

Have more questions about your garage door? Check our FAQ below to see if we’ve covered your concern! Scroll down on this page to learn more!

Why are there two types of openers based on installation?

The technicians of Garage Door Repair in Naperville explain that the units for professional installation have a single-piece rail which can be transported in a truck. The ones for DIY installation have a rail consisting of several sections which can be transported in the trunk of a car. In general, the one-piece rail tends to be more reliable and durable.

What is the best garage door motor size?

Our professionals in Naperville are of the view that it is the construction and size of the garage door that determines the motor that will be used. Normally there is a selection of 1/3, ½ and ¾ HP. Most homes will go along with the 1/3 HP variety with a few exceptions.

Do damaged springs need to be replaced right away?

The short answer is most definitely yes. Technicians over at Garage Door Repair Naperville will tell you that these garage door springs are almost always under a lot of tension. You will need to replace them the moment you notice signs of damage.

How can I tell if the garage door is misaligned?

To know if your garage door is misaligned, do a visual check, and then listen to the sounds it makes as it opens. If you see any unusual movement or hear any weird noise at certain points of its movement, then the garage door may have gone out of alignment.

Does the special adapter work on garage door springs?

Yes, it does. You will need an electric drill. Make sure that you read the manufacturer’s instructions very carefully about the best adjustment method because it can make all the difference.

How do I inspect garage door springs?

According to the experience of our experts you can casually inspect the springs. If the springs are a bit too tight, you may loosen one or two inches on the attachment to the track. You can use a loop that goes through the holes or alternatively an S-hook. With that said, it is always advisable to contact one of our technicians for a professional checkup.


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* $29 service call - deducted from the service

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Feb 22, 2025
8:00AM - 10:00AM
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Thank you for choosing Garage Door Repair Naperville! One of our experts will be in touch soon. Feel free to browse our website for FAQ, tips and more useful information in the meantime!